
Hello everyone, I’m Julien, a French photographer. For years I’ve been thinking about sharing my projects, techniques and tips. Creating small tutorials to share my passion for photography and help beginners and why not, the more experienced, to improve. Myself, I watch a lot of videos to improve myself, to find the little extra, the tool, the technique that will make me evolve.

Today, at the beginning of the year 2020, the world is in pause, all the businesses are affected and maybe even more the world of the artists. I would like to wish you, your families and friends the best, courage and health to face this situation.

I wanted to make tutorials free and accessible to all.
But who says free, often says sloppy, incomplete and I wanted to do things right and offer real content.
And it takes time, much more than what I imagined at the beginning 🙂

Nevertheless, the prices offered here are still very affordable and I decided to make my first tutorial at 2 euros for the whole year 2020, I see it more as a tip, a thank you for the content.

For this price, you’ll still get a real tutorial.
A description of my project, everything I used, the different flash settings, camera, schematics, photos, photoshop files and a video of the retouching on lightroom and photoshop.
All translated in english and french ( spanish coming soon

You know as well as I do, that photographers don’t like to reveal their secrets and often in tutorials, even the paid ones everything is never explained…
As if a recipe just asks you to mix flour, butter and chocolate and it will make a good cake!
You may have a chocolate cake but it’s probably not the best, there are steps and tricks to get there and that’s what I’m going to try to share with you.

Thank you for trusting me and don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or problems.

Publish your creations on Instagram with the #himi_tuto so that I can follow you.

Have a lovely day.

I wish you a lot of nice pictures.

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